Unseen Pictures of Gohar Rasheed – Massive Change Over the Time

Unseen Pictures of Gohar Rasheed – Massive Change Over the Time

Pakistani Drama Industry has a huge talent and one of the very talented actors of our media industry is Gohar Rasheed. Gohar as born on May 2nd, 1984 in Lahore and belong to the family of famous religious scholar Ghulam Ahmed Perwez.

It was for his interest in Arts and Media that he received his education in Media and Theatre from Beaconhouse National University, He started his career from theatre but that was not all. Soon, his performance caught eyes and was then seen in famous movies like Seedlings and dramas like Man Mayal. Gohar has received many awards for his outstanding performances and his fans have seen a drastic change in his personality over time.

Here are some unseen pictures of Gohar Rasheed that you should See. Have a look!

mirzagoharrasheed 12598982 952511268117832 908928508 n

mirzagoharrasheed 12825961 206519143045312 1875726259 n mirzagoharrasheed 13712358 1780870708802951 546070333 n mirzagoharrasheed 16465739 406733069678930 2075665034532356096 n mirzagoharrasheed 21479947 1247535622058843 1828992873605890048 n mirzagoharrasheed 23969831 155613811836426 9020336241144496128 n mirzagoharrasheed 24125343 392937924476810 1294138586190315520 n mirzagoharrasheed 24177295 1720525707981665 8369768838920667136 n mirzagoharrasheed 32656504 263974350839475 2022809852727787520 n mirzagoharrasheed 41690988 358592891550021 91019976860819442 n mirzagoharrasheed 56162974 129387571506265 6613696500884482840 n mirzagoharrasheed 57156520 1296732517140371 2007967384063733552 n mirzagoharrasheed 76919316 1032313003799277 4239817673198851178 n mirzagoharrasheed 78993749 586076078899039 5638531777160053687 n mirzagoharrasheed 82280625 614177946003913 5624098950207607563 n


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