Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Actress Sonya Hussyn has said that a good artist is not judged by his talent or work rather he/she is judged by Instagram followers.

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills
In a recent interview with BBC Urdu, she commented on the matter that how actors are judged by their social media fan following.

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills
She said, “I am not a social media person at all. My followers hardly see my post in a week and they thank me.”

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills
“This trend is going on, people don’t judge you by your skills or talent but they judge you on basis of your followers. If they wanna judge a star they just go to their Instagram and see oh, she has five million followers, she is the biggest star! No matter if you have done good work or not but if you have followers than you are the biggest star of Pakistan,” Hussayn added.
Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting SkillsSonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills
Sonya Hussyn further said that people who actually work are discouraged at some point dut to this trend.

Many people agreed with Sonya Hussyn’s statement and some even said that she is talking about Minal Khan and Aiman Khan who have a huge fan following on Instagarm.
Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills
Here’s what people are saying, check out!

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills

Sonya Hussyn Says Actors Are Judged By Instagram Followers Not Acting Skills
Do you agree with Sonya Hussyn’s statement? Share your views with us.