Sensational Photo Collection of Danish Taimoor and Ayeza Khan

Sensational Photo Collection of Danish Taimoor and Ayeza Khan

The couple that has its photographer ready on the speed-dial, Ayeza Khan and Danish Taimoor, needs no introduction. Whether it be the birthdays, anniversaries, Eid or any festivity, the couple is all set to come up with their sensational poses for their fans and followers.

We have been sharing many lovely photoshoots of Ayeza Khan and Danish Taimoor with their fans and here comes a complete collection of the Sensational Photos of the couple that you must have a look at!

ayezakhan.ak 49466659 380361656100944 4894806519790985997 n

ayezakhan.ak 50603813 120766308998285 4903529399118838373 n ayezakhan.ak 60791265 1076648545867403 2240567507767971477 n ayezakhan.ak 74600061 439356853400848 3754007509170560726 n ayezakhan.ak 75341379 620748958469122 2644271750204394857 n ayezakhan.ak 75448874 747546129063009 1909067203760052620 n ayezakhan.ak 75450438 193812048331665 4632193393203993232 n ayezakhan.ak 75654088 499354064040065 5663204011847518085 n ayezakhan.ak 82985713 355732631976866 3170953827394501528 n ayezakhan.ak 83323985 120325886185909 5554087106868328725 n ayezakhan.ak 90424604 2757641344349711 5185501216366647870 n ayezakhan.ak 93367166 216127099812924 6440544000900960798 n ayezakhan.ak 93835919 1109688142721092 7658594297015613725 n ayezakhan.ak 95096109 109511094082148 2348062180178494551 n ayezakhan.ak 106481947 173534427517843 5994395832837969663 n ayezakhan.ak 108191441 305119004201586 9135388181266564633 n ayezakhan.ak 117528824 121334909674298 7214188179933064316 n ayezakhan.ak 117572155 348474736153854 8081890507118334433 n