Powerful Posters From Aurat March 2020

8 March is celebrated as Women’s Day nationwide. Men appreciate and acknowledge women and encourage them for their hard work. Many women stay at home and take good care of their families, while others go out to work and support their families financially.

Aurat March 2020 is going on in many cities of Pakistan. Men and Women are out on roads to demand women’s rights. We are living in an Islamic country, but still, our women are not safe. They are sexually and mentally harassed by strangers or by family members. They become acid or rape victims. They are not allowed to take their life’s decisions. Women have to fight for their basic rights.

People are carrying some strong message posters to raise their voices for women’s rights. Islam gives equal rights and respect to women, so who are we to harass them and keep their mouths shut. As human beings, it’s our responsibility to support and appreciate women who sacrifice their lives for their loved ones.

Some powerful posters from Aurat March 2020 are here. Have a look and share your opinions with us in the comments section below.

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