Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings

Pakistani dramas always offer variety. Most of the Pakistani dramas in recent years kept the viewers engaged and entertained. When it came to writing the script and executing these plays, the writers and directors did exceptionally well for the most part. Because of this, these dramas were popular among the masses. There were other dramas which were popular because of the star cast. All these popular dramas did great on the rating chart and for the most part, were convincing. In the end, however, the writer and the director shocked the viewers by ending these Pakistani dramas in the worst way possible. The viewers looked forward to the ending of these dramas most importantly because they left them curious and the endings were unpredictable. Once these last episodes finally aired, the endings left the viewers baffled and disappointed. There are some writers who have a strong grip on the plot right till the end and then there are others who simply fail to wrap up the story decently in the end. These dramas basically show that giving a drama a good ending is just as important as the treatment given to it overall.

Here are some of the most popular dramas of Pakistan which had the worst endings.

Mere Pass Tum Ho

Dead Man Talking

Mere Pass Tum Ho set new records of popularity because of its dialogues, situation, direction, and writing. Some of the performances were loved by the viewers and gave the actors a new recognition. The story was bold and the situations extremely complicated. The viewers had no idea how the drama would end. Although the writer himself shared that the drama will have a tragic ending and the viewers were prepared for it but when the final episode aired, most of the viewers were astonished by the poor execution of the much-awaited finale.

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings

Mere Pass Tum Ho’s Finale was also shown in cinemas. The hype this finale created was unmatched. Not only did the viewers cry because of the sad ending but they also laughed because this ending was anything but convincing. The writer is known for his dialogue writing but no one was expecting the writer to show a scenario in which a person who is dying would go on talking for the longest time. Also, the drama serial was more about Mehwish and Danish, the lead characters but it ended with an emotional conversation between the father and son. People were shocked to see just how badly executed Danish’s death scene was. Most of the people were expecting Danish to die but they were not expecting this scene to be carried out so carelessly and over dramatically. This resulted in complete disappointment. Mere Pass Tum Ho tops this list because people had more expectations from this finale more than any other. The makers could have made this ending emotional and impactful but the last episode was full of flaws which did not sit well with the viewers.

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings

Ishq Zahe Naseeb

Bojhu Tu Janay!

Ishq Zahe Naseeb was another popular Pakistani drama this year that kept the viewers engaged and entertained. Ishq Zahe Naseeb’s plot was not run-of-the-mill. It did not only highlight a personality disorder that a lot of people didn’t know much about but it also proved to be a mystery/thriller which the Pakistani viewers enjoyed watching. Right till the end, the viewers looked forward to the mysteries getting solved in the end. After dragging the drama for weeks in order to cash in on its popularity, when the makers finally decided to end it, it was the worst ending that viewers were not happy with.

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings

The viewers tuned into this ending to find answers yet the ending did not give them the answers they were looking for, in fact, it left them even more confused. At the end of the drama, the viewers visited different forums to ask each other if they got the answers to the questions but no one could really figure out who Sameer’s mother was which was a burning question right till the end. The mystery stayed a mystery right till the end which made this the worst ending. This last episode wasn’t just meaningless but also repetitive and boring. There were many tracks in this drama and none of them got a proper ending. This last episode lacked clarity and ironically it wasn’t even engaging. The makers failed to wrap up a script that kept the viewers glued to their screen properly which enraged and disappointed the fans.

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings


Hajmola – For Digesting An Illogical End

Aangan was one of the most hyped dramas of this year. It had a star cast and crew. Some of the most prominent people from the industry were attached to this serial and it was based on a novel that is considered a classic. Aangan was not even shown on YouTube which is why people made a special effort to watch the show while it went on air. For the most part, Aangan’s story was all over the place but the last few episodes were relatively better and gave hope that it might end on a decent note. The ending however was just as abrupt and disappointing as this drama as a whole.

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings

Even the best of dramas sometimes don’t have good endings but sometimes a good, logical ending can make up for a weak storyline overall. That was most certainly not the case with Aangan. HUM obviously thought that investing in star power would ensure viewership and perhaps get them appreciation as well but viewers are not fools. The main leads Chammi and Jamil kept the viewers guessing and they did not get a proper ending in the last episode. Chammi did not ask for an explanation, everything happened too quickly, yet this was somehow supposed to be a happy ending. There was a time when it seemed like Chammi was over Jamil and right till the last episode it appeared to be that Jamil was still in love with Alia. Jamil and Chammi’s union was unconvincing to say the least. Most viewers wanted to see Chammi happy in the end but their happy moments were wrapped up too quickly. The physical closeness between the actors always suggested that this attraction was more physical. The romantic tracks in particular were handled so poorly throughout. This last episode was littered with indecent and unconvincing proposals and was a complete waste of time.

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings


Writer With The Magic Wand!

Drama serial Cheekh kept the viewers completely hooked with its murder/mystery story. The first few episodes were fast-paced and kept the viewers guessing. As the drama progressed, the scenarios and situations stopped making sense. The viewers however looked forward to a finale which would lead to a convincing conclusion to a drama that they loved but was dragged to the limit.

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings

In the end, while the viewers got to see the leading lady Mannat fighting her case the way they wanted to see her do it right from the beginning but the way this episode was written and executed did not impress most of the viewers. Instead of showing a gradual change in Mannat’s character and unfolding certain events that led to the ultimate conclusion, everything was done haphazardly. The villain too all of a sudden was shown being remorseful and out of the blue, in the end, he was pleading to get the viewer’s sympathy. Those viewers who were truly invested in this drama were left with so many unanswered questions because of scenarios that did not make sense. The viewers waited patiently for this last episode of Cheekh but it was one of the most badly executed last episodes of the most popular recent dramas.

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings


Ja Tujhe Maaf Kiya

Inkaar was a powerful drama that challenged stereotypes and addressed an issue that had never been highlighted in any drama at all. The importance of a woman’s consent was highlighted in this play and for a change, a woman stood strong right till the end. This drama was also inspired by a real-life story, the end of which was quite different from the end of the drama. Inkaar right till the second last episode emphasized the importance of the criminal getting punished. The main protagonist Hajra fought a long and hard battle to get the man who tried to kill her punished yet in the end she decided to forgive him. Inkaar’s ending basically was too rushed, it completely ruined the message the drama set out to give, and overall it was not the least bit satisfying. It all boiled down to Hajra getting validation from the public and winning in the eyes of the media. Hajra and her father once said that they could forgive Rehan but they couldn’t forgive people who killed Gullu Badshah – what happened to that?

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings

The opening scenes of this last episode promised a powerful ending but later on the way Hajra gave her own verdict was nothing short of shocking. Throughout, the court’s proceedings were covered in detail and every single scenario was convincing but in the end, the writer totally ruined the experience for the viewers. Hajra was quite content with her decision because she was convinced that Rehan Chaudhry did not need to go to prison but he needed the right guidance from his mother in order to ‘mend his ways’. Since this was Hajra’s decision, one she had taken after the court gave its own therefore everyone associated with her was quite happy with it and even the media portrayed Hajra as the real hero. The role Shayan’s father played was definitely pleasing but wasn’t he the one who got Gullu Badshah killed? Basically, there was no point of showing such a long legal battle if Hajra was going to forgive the criminals in the end. This was definitely one of the worst endings of Pakistani dramas in recent times.

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings

Mere Bewafa

Terhra Hei Par Mera Hei

Mere Bewafa had a commercial storyline which appealed to the viewers. The drama was a mega-hit. Mere Bewafa’s story revolved around a married couple. The husband was the bewafa in drama, who had an affair with his wife’s best friend and then entered into a secret nikkah with her. The entire drama revolved around how the husband mistreated his wife and the wife tried relentlessly to make her husband fall back in love with her. Agha Ali and Sarah Khan’s on-screen couple was a big hit even though the story was not a romantic one. In the entire drama, the viewers watched the husband torturing his wife and he was even responsible for her miscarriage. There was nothing positive in the husband’s character yet the wife continuously did whatever she could to win her over.

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings

In the last few episodes the wife, Azra’s character showed some signs of change which gave the viewers hope that in the end Azra will leave her bewafa husband Shahmir and will eventually make a life on her own. There was also a male friend in Azra’s life who continuously supported her and the viewers were hoping that in the end, Azra will choose to be with him. The last episode was a big slap on the intelligence of the viewers because Azra’s bewafa husband was forgiven within seconds even though he did not formally apologize. This was the most illogical and nonsensical ending to any play at all. Everything was wrapped up in a twisted happy ending which showed that there was nothing wrong with a woman forgiving people who put her through hell over and over again. After watching Azra suffer for 20 plus weeks, all of a sudden watching Azra smile at Shahmir and accepting him back was a big led down for the viewers who expected better. Shahmir’s newborn child’s death was used as a lame excuse for the change in the behavior of the entire family and even this change was not shown properly. This was the most pathetic ending to a drama.

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings

Ishq Tamasha

RIP Common Sense

Ishq Tamasha was another popular drama that had the worst ending. Ishq Tamasha’s story was a really complicated and at times illogical love triangle but it was a hit play nevertheless. It was a story of revenge with a few romantic tracks. It also had a good woman vs the bad woman scenario. Rushna was a negative character who breaks a man’s heart and as a result of it he dies, his brother decides to avenge his death. In order to take revenge, he gets married to Rushna so that he can make her life hell. Mirha was the good girl, the damsel in distress who was kidnapped mistakenly by Mehrab, the brother out to take revenge. The story was complicated and clichéd at times but it kept the viewers hooked.

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings

Mehrab was the most twisted hero who could have easily passed as the villain. Mirha was the most meesni heroine we have seen in dramas since in the end, she agreed to accept Mehrab’s proposal even after he tortured his ex-wife mentally (who also happened to be Mirha’s cousin) to the point that she died. The fact that Mehrab was a negative character was completely brushed under the carpet and in the last episode, the whole drama was ended like it was a simple love story, which it most certainly wasn’t. The ending was abrupt, insensitive, and badly put together, nothing short of a tamasha which left the viewers enraged.

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings


Ding Dong

Balaa had the viewers glued to their television screens for the longest time. Balaa was the story of a woman who was literally a balaa. The main protagonist, the balaa, Nigar was shown as a young woman with control issues to such an extent that she could easily be considered a psychopath. Most of the episodes of the drama covered how Nigar marries a decent man and destroys his life. Nigar’s plotting, planning, and negativity were covered for 20 plus weeks. When the drama became popular, the makers decided to extend viewers’ suffering by stretching the story like bubble gum.

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings

The viewers looked forward to Nigar’s end. The only reason viewers tuned in to the drama after some time was that they wanted to see Nigar suffering just as much as she had made other people suffer. Towards the end, however, Nigar’s husband started playing just as many mind games as her and he too turned into a balaa! As if this was not enough, only the last episode was dedicated to showing Nigar’s ‘end’ which definitely did not satisfy the viewers. Balaa’s ending and the drama as a whole were ruined because it was prolonged for no reason and in the end, the makers had no clue how to wrap up the story.

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings

Ghar Titli Ka Par

The woman pays and the man is forgiven

Ghar Titli Ka Par ruled the television screen for many weeks. This was the story of two friends Anji and Shafaq. Anji was the clever one and Shafaq was the innocent naive one. Anji destroys Shafaq’s house by first having an affair with her husband and then kicking her out of her own house. The fact was that for the longest time Anji’s antics were the most engaging element of the drama. Although Anji was a negative character, her scenes were amusing and Sanam Chaudhry’s performance was great.

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings

Ghar Titli Ka Par’s ending too was just as abrupt, rushed, and illogical as the rest of the dramas on the list. All of a sudden the viewers were informed that a few years had passed and in these few years somehow Shafaq had conveniently forgiven her good-for-nothing husband and Anji was shown in a pathetic state, poor and ugly! It was never shown how she went from the clever manipulating woman to one who was now completely helpless. This was the most pathetic way to conclude the show. And it was yet another drama in which the woman was punished but the man wasn’t!

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings


Arsala Ki Khamoshi

Khamoshi was one of the most-watched drama serials of recent times. This was the drama because of which Zara Noor Abbas got recognition. It was the story of Arsala, a girl who works in people’s houses to earn for her family, and her family never values her. Eventually, she finds a man who gives her the respect and love she never had and that is when people were rooting for this couple. Other than that, just like any other drama, the viewers wanted to see those people who played a major part in making life hell for Arsala, paying for their wrongdoings.

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings

The end of Khamoshi disappointed the viewers because even though in the end Arsala and Sharam got their happy ending but this ending was shown in such a way that it was not happy enough! Arsala’s hesitance to acknowledge everything Sharam had done for her and her confusion right till the end was seen as thanklessness by many. The negative character was forgiven too easily and one of them committed suicide, which did not make the fans happy. The ending was abrupt and everything was concluded in the last episode too quickly. Arsala’s attitude in this ending episode disappointed the viewers more than anything else.

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings

Ye Dil Mera

Ye Kya Tha?!

Ye Dil Mera had a star cast and a dream team yet this drama kept the viewers wondering. Even though overall also Ye Dil Mera did not impress the viewers but the ending was the worst one ever. The reason is that the ending did not even look like the conclusion or the continuation of the storyline the viewers had to sit through for so many weeks. The way Meer Farooq suddenly died in an accident without actually paying for everything he had done was more of a convenient ending which left the viewers enraged.

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings

Most of the viewers wanted to see closure for Amanullah in the end yet all they got to watch was an apology! Why did the writer waste so much time showing Aman’s background, if, in the end, his sufferings were not going to be the main focus of the ending? Not only this, some of the supporting characters who were crucial to the story completely disappeared from the drama in this last episode. Not only was this ending flawed in terms of the script but the execution was even worse.


A Rushed Tragedy

Kashf was another popular drama serial that was loved because of its unique storyline. For weeks Kashf had the viewers’ undivided attention and there were only a few episodes that were stretched. Kashf is on this list because it ended abruptly and a little too quickly even though in between it was also stretched like many other dramas. The divorce in the last episode also disappointed the viewers. Kashf’s death was expected but the negative characters did not get a befitting ending. These tracks were covered too quickly and considering how much they had harmed Kashf, they deserved worse. This was definitely not the perfect way to end a drama which the viewers had so many expectations. Except for Kashf’s tragic end which made the viewers cry, this ending left a lot to be desired.

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings



Sabaat revolved around the destruction caused by the negative mindset and planning of the ‘villain’ more than anything else. Most of the drama focused on the planning done by Miraal and how this planning destroyed the lives of people she thought she owned. Anaya’s track was the only productive element of the drama. Most of the people watched this drama till the end because they wanted to watch Miraal pay for her wrongdoings in the end. Sabaat got mixed reactions from the viewers, some viewers loved it and others left watching it shortly after it went on air. The ending however was only liked by the die-hard fans. Miraal was not punished but she ‘redeemed’ herself by having a quick change of personality after an accident.

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings

Anaya forgave Hassan and the worst part was that the writer did not give a lot of screen time to Hassan. He was not even given the opportunity to ask for forgiveness properly even that was done by Miraal. Anaya’s track also ended in the same old cliched manner, leaving no impact. This was the most underwhelming last episode which was unimpressive from the beginning till the end. The writer tried to pack too many ‘messages’ in a single episode hoping something would work for the viewers.


The Weird Heroine

Muqaddar was another popular drama this year that had the worst ending. Not only did the writer glorify kidnapping and forced wedding but in the end, the man who was responsible for it all was not even held accountable. On the other hand, his first wife was somehow turned into a villain. Raima turned into a really twisted and confusing character weeks before the drama ended but in the end, the way the writer tried to make a hero out of her was even crazier. She was shown as a brave woman but in the strangest way possible with the portrait of her dead husband hanging in the background, as if she was endorsing everything he did while he was alive! Harris’ track did not even get a proper ending. After watching him suffer for so long, the viewers expected a happy ending for him but somehow that was not a priority for the writer. Muqaddar overall also had the most insensitive and carelessly written script and the ending was the final nail in the coffin!

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings

Tera Ghum aur Hum

Mahi Disappears

Tera Ghum aur Hum was also popular among the viewers. This drama had black and white characters therefore the viewers naturally were expecting a happy ending for the ‘good guys’ in the drama. Viewers wanted to see Mahi and Ali happy after watching them go through all the ups and downs for so many weeks. In the end, however, Sara became the main heroine of the drama just like Miraal from Sabaat after she had an accident. Mahi was completely relegated to the background as if Hajra Yamin was being punished for not being available for shooting the last few episodes. There can be no other explanation for this bad ending. Even though Mahi worked so hard on the orphanage project, it was Sara who inaugurated it. This ending was simply ridiculous and the viewers were left wondering why the writer decided to end a perfectly good drama in such a way.

Popular Pakistani Dramas With Worst Endings

Which popular Pakistani drama in your opinion had the worst ending? Sharing your thoughts.