People are comparing Ertugrul’s Halima to Pakistani Actress

People are comparing Ertugrul’s Halima to Pakistani Actress

Ever since the Turkish series Ertugrul started airing on PTV, Pakistanis have been in a frenzy. And rather than learning from it (as the Prime Minister) initially intended, Pakistanis have been drawing all sorts of memes from the show.

Somewhere it is about the long duration and a large number of episodes of the series and somewhere it is about the very pretty Turkish women featured in the drama.

But amongst everything that crossed our eyes, what we found the most relatable was the fact that someone pointed out, how our own, actress and model Alyzeh Gabol looked quite similar to Esra Bilgic, the actress who plays Ertugrul’s wife, aka Halime Hatun in the show.

Why don’t you check out a few pictures of Alyzeh and Esra side and side and let us know what you think;

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