Mawra Hocane Appreciating Yumna Zaidi

Mawra Hocane Appreciating Yumna Zaidi

Mawra Hocane is currently the most celebrated actress of Pakistan. After Sabaat everybody is all in praise for Mawra Hocane for portraying the character of Anaya beyond the perfection.

Mawra Hocane Appreciating Yumna Zaidi

Mawra Hocane Appreciating Yumna Zaidi

Mawra Hocane got both critical and commercial acclamation after Sabaat. She is seen everywhere in interviews now a days.

Mawra Hocane Appreciating Yumna Zaidi

Mawra Hocane Appreciating Yumna Zaidi

Mawra Hocane Appreciating Yumna Zaidi

Mawra Hocane Appreciating Yumna Zaidi

In a recent interview in Hello! Meera Sethi Mawra Hocane appreciated Yumna Zaidi and Shees Sajaad Gul.

Mawra Hocane Appreciating Yumna Zaidi

Mawra Hocane Appreciating Yumna Zaidi

Mawra Hocane Appreciating Yumna Zaidi

Mawra Hocane Appreciating Yumna Zaidi

Mawra Hocane Appreciating Yumna Zaidi

Mawra Hocane Appreciating Yumna Zaidi

When the interviewee asked her about her favorite actors, She said

“So I love everybody for whatever they’re forte is, but recently I were watching Yumna Zaidi in Pyar Kay Sadqay, and I was like Wahh Yarr. I smiled with her and I cried with her. And generally talking about the actor, the little kid that came in Meray Pass Tum Ho, these two actors moved me.”


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