Khalil-ur Rehman Qamar Angry Response On Motorway Incident

Khalil-ur Rehman Qamar Angry Response On Motorway Incident


The heart shaking motor way incident took place a couple of days. The escalating number of sexual harassment cases are infuriating the public.

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People are questioning the government about their safety. The question which is been asked is where women are safe? They are not safe on roads, they are not safe in mosques, they are not safe in schools, they are not safe at hospitals, they are not safe in their own homes and not even in their graves. Why after so many years our government is unable to build a system what allows women to live a life free of any fear.

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What are we supposed to do and who do we need to jeremiad for justice.

Victim blaming has always been the most favorite thing to do of the public specially in such cases when a girl is been molested people always says that the girl is wearing questionable clothes that forced innocent men to harass her. CCPO Lahore made a statement saying that the woman shouldn’t be travelling alone at night. The question here is what is the role of police in our society? Are they our protectors? Instead of taking the responsibility that they are unable to protect the mothers, sisters and daughters of nation our police is blaming the woman for travelling alone. Now the question arises that whether they blame women for buried alone? People are demanding the public hanging of the rapists.

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Khalik-ur-Rehman Qamar also joined a protest in Lahore and said:

“Please pray that this protest won’t only remain a protest, already all Muslim Umaah is protesting right now. Pray to Allah that this effort of yours will remain fruitful and they arrest culprits as soon as possible. And I pray that are ministers and chief minister will understand the meaning of punishment.”



Talking about the statement of CCPO he said:

“At times, there is a lot of pressure and words slips out of your mouth and I still requests him that if this has happened mistakenly, please apologize from public”



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