Ayeza Khan Wishing Anniversary To Danish Taimoor

Ayeza Khan Wishing Anniversary To Danish Taimoor

Ayeza Khan and Danish Taimoor makes one of the most endeared couple of our media industry.

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Ayeza Khan and danish Taimoor often shares their love story that how they first met, developed feelings and then got engaged but after sometime they broke up but love in their hearts was still alive so they decided to patch up and got married to avoid further inconvenience.

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Yesterday Ayeza Khan and Danish Taimoor completed 6 years of their marriage.

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Ayeza took social networking website Instagram to wish her husband wedding anniversary. Let’s have a look what she wrote:

“I don’t believe in soulmates. I don’t believe there is a perfect human being for every one of us out there. It’s just that every relationship takes time, sacrifices and a ton of hard work to succeed.
It’s been six years since our marriage and almost more than 12 years since I have known him, and I can tell you one thing. I have never felt more comfortable or safe around any one else but him. And I am nothing but grateful for that. He may not be my soul mate but he’s definitely someone that my soul needs.”

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