Actress Kompal Iqbal Shared Her Birthday Clicks

Actress Kompal Iqbal Shared Her Birthday Clicks

Kompal Iqbal is talented actress and model. She is working in many dramas now a days. She started her acting career with drama serial “Quddusi Sahab Ki Bewah” on Ary Digital. She has also worked in many Television Commercials. She has been doing modeling for different brands. She is sister of renowned Pakistani actress and modelSumbal Iqbal.

Here we have list of dramas Kompal Iqbal acted in: Quddusi Sahab Ki Bewah on Ary Digital, Janay Kyun on Ary Digital, Inteha on Express Entertainment, 100 Din Ki Kahani on Hum Sitaray, Shukrana on Express Entertainment, Zindagi Tujh Ko Jiya on Hum Tv and Shehrnaz on Urdu 1.

Kompal Iqbal recently celebrated her 25th birthday and shared images from her birthday and wrote: “Just me and my advance birthday cake♥️? Pre birthday celebration?
P.S. My birthday is on 25th”

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