Beautiful Shab-e-Barat Images of 2020 – Shaban is a special month for the Muslims all across the globe. It is in Shaban that the Shab-e-Barat falls. This month is considered sacred by Muslims. Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to fast a lot in this month. Sometimes he used to fast the entire month of Shaban even before Ramazan started.
Shab-e-Barat is the night of forgiveness. Those who are awake and worshipping are forgiven except for the disbeliever, hater, arrogant, someone who is disobedient to parents and alcohol addicts. Shab-e-Barat begins after Maghrib in the evening of mid Shaban.
Ali ibn Abi Talib [May Allah be pleased with him] reports that the Prophet [Peace be upon him] is reported to have said: “The night of mid-Shaban, let all of you spend in prayer and its day in fasting, for Allah descends to the nearest heaven during that night beginning with sunset and says: ‘Is there no one asking sustenance that I may forgive them? Is there no one asking sustenance that I may grant them sustenance? Is there no one under duress that I may relieve them? Is there not such-and-such, is there not such-and-such, a so forth until dawn rises”
Shab-e-Barat is the golden opportunity for Muslims to beg for forgiveness for their sins. They repent for their sins on this blessed night and fast the next day. Also, they can ask for fortunes and health, The Almighty has promised to bless them with the best. All around the world, the mosques are decorated beautifully for this blessed night. Apart from that, some people lit vigils and others gather in mosques to pray together.
The most authentic Hadith about Shab-e-Barat is as follows, ” “When it is the fifteenth night of Shaban observe prayer during the night and observe fast during the day; for Allah descends to the heaven of the world as the sun sets and says: Is there anyone to seek forgiveness so that I should forgive him? Is there anyone to seek sustenance so that I should provide him? Is there anyone in trouble so that I may relieve him? And so on and so forth, until the dawn breaks.” (Ibn Majah)
Some people also visit the graves of the loved ones who are no longer with them. Since Shab-e-Barat is the blessed night when people also ask for forgiveness for those who have left the world. Since the Islamic calendar is determined by the moon, the date of Shab e Barat changes every year.
Fireworks and distributing sweets among neighbors and children is also a common practice on this blessed day. It is also seen as the night when the fortunes of the people for the next year are decided.
These are some of the most beautiful Shab-e-Barat images of 2020.
Shab-e-Barat Images of 2020