15 Best Scenes of Drama Serial Alif

Alif was such a drama which successfully earned a place in the hearts of the viewers for all the right reasons. The writer Umera Ahmed is known for writing soul-searching content & when her scripts are dramatized, they always do well in terms of popularity. Amidst strong competition, Alif carved a niche of viewers who appreciated the content which promoted spirituality & taught many lessons along the way. The dialogues of Alif forced the audience to think about the purpose of their life. The characters of Alif were as such which showed the struggles pertaining to religion & spirituality, which is something that people experience on a daily basis. This is the reason the story & characters of Alif were relatable & realistic.

Alif was the kind of drama which required a specific sort of creative execution & treatment. The director Haseeb Hassan did justice to his role as the project leader & added all those elements which made it a magical journey to tune to. This is the reason, every episode, every scene, every frame & all the little details had so much to offer & were carefully designed which added more charm to the overall drama-watching experience.

It has been a week since Alif ended, the viewers are still very much not over it. Therefore, it seems like a perfect idea to go through some of the best scenes of Alif & enjoy them one more time. Although each & every scene was meaningful & soul-stirring, I picked up 15 best scenes which had so much to offer, in terms of acting, the message & story-telling.

Here are the 15 best scenes from drama serial Alif:

The Opening Scene of Alif

This has to be one of the best opening scenes that the viewers got to see. It showed a boy writing letters to Allah. The camerawork taking through the beautiful locations of Turkey & sweet voiceover of Pehlaaj Hussain was absolutely magical & enough to grab the undivided attention of the audience.

Momina & Jahangir’s Dialogue Practice Session

Jahangir’s character was short-lived but the actor playing the role left a long-lasting impression. He did not have many scenes but this one depicted the relationship that Momina & Jahangir shared. It showed how Jahangir had this strong desire to recover & live. It was rare but it was nice to see them having a good time & sharing hearty laughs.

Abdul Ala Teaching Qalb e Momin Calligraphy

All of the scenes of Abdul Ala could be labeled as the building blocks of the story & this one has to be one of them. Abdul Ala getting acquaintained with Qalb e Momin & teaching him calligraphy was absolutely sweet & heart-warming.

Qalb e Momin & Abdul Ala’s Confrontation & Bet

This turned out to be a turning point in Qalb e Momin’s life because right after he had this conversation with Abdul Ala, he was forced to think, rather rethink about his priorities & direction in life. The dialogues in this scene were some of the best from the drama & were very impactful.

Qalb e Momin Looking At His Possessions & Abdul Ala’s Painting – Depicting Allah’s Message

This scene also highlighted the transition that Qalb e Momin was going through. He walked through his prized possession, his lavish home & then in the end stopped at the beautiful humble Islamic calligraphy painted by Abdul Ala. The OST echoing in the background added more depth to this entire scenario & the lyrics used were a masterstroke.

Sultan Reading Husn e Jahan’s Letter

This has to be one of the best acted scenes of Alif among many. Saleem Mairaj had to play with the emotions of the viewers only through his expressions & he nailed it. The camerawork & lighting also played a role in making this scene phenomenal.

Momina Reciting Quran Majeed After Winning An Award

This scene depicted how nothing mattered to Momina at this stage because she had seen all the ups & downs of life. She had lost her brother, she had struggled so much for work, now she was a renowned actress & an Oscar winner, but none of it was going to change her. She was still the humble, down to earth Momina who was very much rooted & connected to her Creator. This scene also showed how one should never judge the people belonging to different professions than theirs, because their spirituality is their personal choice & a personal affair between them & Allah.

Qalb e Momin Asking For Guidance

Hamza Ali Abbasi was phenomenal in this scene in particular. This was the turning point of Qalb e Momin’s life because he had diagnosed the disease, the disease of being egoistic, selfish, lost & directionless. Now, after all these years of wandering, he was acknowledging that he went astray & was asking for Allah’s guidance. Absolutely beautiful.

Momin Picking Up Flowers For His Mother

The mother-son scenes were some of the best, most heart-warming scenes of Alif. These scenes were strategically placed to soften the hearts of the viewers for the Qalb e Momin they were getting to see now who was arrogant & unapologetic. However, the director took us back to how Momin used to be as a child. He would pick up flowers for his mother to make her happy. After the drama ended, I got around to understand why flowers were also an integral part of his & Momina’s love story. Momin always relied on flowers to convey his feelings; be it for his mother or the woman he loved!

Taha Comparing Husn e Jahan To Bright Moon

Taha & Husn e Jahan didn’t have many pleasant interactions after they got married & Qalb e Momin grew older. This one was specifically sweet & stayed with me as a viewer because it showed that Taha was appreciative of Husn e Jahan, though he never said it out loud but he acknowledged all that she had done & was doing to keep this family together. She was the light at the end of the tunnel for Taha & was a beacon of light for her son Momin.

Seven Calligraphies & Their Meaning

This was yet another beautiful & meaningful scene of Alif, in which they took us in the past & showed Abdul Ala giving Qalb e Momin 7 paintings at 7 stages of his life. It was his subtle way of reminding him of Allah’s message every step of the way because he knew what Momin was going to get himself into. No wonder why they turned out to be Momin’s prized possessions later.

Taha & Husn e Jahan’s Confrontation

Ahsan Khan & Kubra Khan displayed some of the best acting in this confrontation. Their dialogues, their state of mind, agony, pain, everything was evident through their expressions. It broke the heart of the viewers to see how they both were in pain.

White Flowers

White flowers were significant in Alif. They depicted how Momin used to express his love for people who meant a lot to him. In his childhood it used to be his mother & at this stage of life, it was Momina. Momin & Momina had very few interactions & all of them were special, but this one was absolutely beautiful. The comfort of sitting together, having a hearty conversation & extending appreciation towards each other made the viewers feel warm & fuzzy!

Momin Falling In Love With Momina

Momin not being able to take his eyes off Momina & just imagining her being around him was a beautiful depiction of his growing feeling of love for her. Momina was upset & all Momin could think about was her.

The Proposal & The Ending

The couple of scenes which marked the ending of Alif were again the best way to end this beautiful journey. Qalb e Momin’s proposal & Momina’s reasoning were understandable. Later showing they both were going around in their orbits, doing what they loved the most that too with the feeling of satisfaction was beautiful & left the viewers feeling content with the end.

This completes the list of 15 best scenes that I could pick from Alif. Trust me, there were a lot more which I had shortlisted, some more interactions of Abdul Ala, Husn e Jahan, Master Ibrahim, Momin & Momina but due to the fear of it getting too overwhelming, I had to cut down. Alif was a beautiful drama that we got to see & the story that we all experienced. Alif is going to stay with the viewers for a long long time. Which of the scenes were your favorite from the drama? Please add more to the list & let’s talk about Alif, one more time.

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