Thought Provoking Statistics: Is Pakistan Relatively Insusceptible to Coronavirus?
Novel Coronavirus has proven to be the most inscrutable and malevolent predicament of the modern era. This virus has been on a path of rage since the beginning of the year 2020, crippling the mightiest of forces in its path due to its incomprehensible and sinister nature.
In late January this year, the virus started spreading past the borders of China. By mid March, the number of cases began on a steep climb and as of today, the total number of cases world wide is just north of 2.7 million, with over 190,000 lives having been claimed by the disease.
However, it seems that the virus has taken a special interest in the more developed parts of the world as the countries that have been the worse for wear, happen to be strong economies, namely, USA, UK, China, Russia and all of the European countries. That is of course, not to say that the virus has a prejudiced approach towards particular regions, but there is certainly an interesting pattern at play here.
The numbers suggest in a cryst..