Nameer Khan is a newcomer in the drama industry. He was last seen in drama serial Mein as Ayeza Khan aka Mubashira Jaffar’s spoilt brother Rayyan Jaffar and now he is seen in a very bad guy character Ammar Bakhtiyar in Qarz e Jaan opposite Yumna Zaidi. Fans are loving him in Qarz e Jaan as he has gotten his character right. He spoke to Fuchsia about his life, career and experience working with the biggest stars in the country.
He spoke about getting a noticeable character in Mein. He had to audition for the role and after getting rejected many times in other auditions, he bagged the part. He worked with Ayeza Khan and Wahaj Ali. He had a great experience with Ayeza Khan as both the stars used to rehearse their lines which made the end product look very natural. Ayeza Khan also guided him as he was really new in the industry.
This is what he said:
He also shared how Hania Aamir helped him in Mein. He asked Hania for help before going on the set and she helped him in breaking down the script and gave him tips on how things are actually done while getting into a character.
Listen to how Hania helped Nameer:
Nameer Khan is playing Ammar Bakhtiyar now opposite Yumna Zaidi. He revealed that initially he felt very reserved around Yumna Zaidi but then he talked to her, they broke the ice and he was finally able to perform to his full potential. Yumna was very sweet and supportive and helped him work on his character.
His experience working with Yumna Zaidi: