Aiman Khan Huge Fight With Tiktok Star Jannat Mirza. One of the suggestions that the actor shared for TikTok queen Jannat Mirza grabbed attention from Netizens. The clip shows Aiman advising Jannat Mirza to wear less makeup. Muneeb Butt is a really talented and versatile actor in Pakistan’s entertainment industry. He has started his acting career in the year 2012 and since then he has appeared in various notable drama serials. His on-screen appearances include Famous drama serial Daldal, Baandi, Koi Chand Rakh, Kaisa Hai Naseeban, Yaariyan and Qaraar. Muneeb Butt is married to Aimen Khan who is also a…
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Tik Tok Star Jannat Mirza And Umer Butt Are Now Engaged
Tik Tok Star Jannat Mirza And Umer Butt Are Now Engaged. Tik Toker Jannat Mirza publicly announced that she had left Pakistan to settle in Japan due to the Cheap mentality of the Pakistani people. Jannat Mirza is a social media star in Pakistan who has gained popularity through his lip sync app TikTok. Jannat Mirza has more than 5.11 million followers on TikTok and is considered one of the most popular TikTok stars in Pakistan. Jannat Mirza is not only popular in lip sync apps but also Instagram photo sharing app. Jannat Mirza has set the username to @jannatmirza…