Currency Notes Can Spread Coronavirus, Here’s What You Can Do to Avoid It
Amid this outbreak of Coronavirus, nations are putting their best foot forward and taking unprecedented measures to curtail the situation at hand.
Globally, the ‘Coronavirus Economic Crash’ is a popular topic of discussion as it will have a devastating impact on the global economy. To mitigate the risk of a global economic meltdown, it is imperative for countries to curtail COVID-19.
Washing and sanitizing hands regularly is considered to be one of the best bets in the fight against coronavirus. However, there’s still the possibility of contracting the virus through objects that we touch daily such as currency notes.
WHO’s Recommendation Studies by the World Health Organization (WHO) state that the coronavirus can survive on the surface of currency notes and the organization has issued a worldwide recommendation to the public, advising against the use of tangible currency (cash notes, coins and debit/credit cards) to limit the spread of the virus.
Countries that have been greatly a..