
Hania Aamir Doppelganger Boy Found in India

A video going viral on the internet shows a Hanis Aamir’s look-alike. Moreover, the internet has gone into the craze for their uncanny resemblance with each other, a doppelganger. A video went viral on the internet showing Hania Aamir look alike from Punjab, India. People can’t get over the look-alike as they find a striking […]

Andrew Stanton Sets a New Record Guinness Record: Pulling a Car and Lifting his Assistant with his Eye Sockets

Bizzare, and yet amazing. Andrew Stanton, a sideshow artist pulled a great stint by pulling a car. Meanwhile, lifting his assistant with his eye sockets. More so. Andrew Stanton has set a Guinness record for this remarkable achievement. Andrew Stanton appeared on an Italia TV show “Love Show de Record” in Mila. Stanton pulled off […]

Aima Baig Lashes Out Over a Fake Snapchat Account

Aima Baig took to Instagram warning her fans of a fake Snapchat account. Covering the incident in the story. Aima pointed out that she does not have a Snapchat account nor does she intend to. Moreover, Aima Baig cited a scam under her name. Furthermore, Aima pointed out how uneducated people are for not cross-verifying […]

Sahil Adeem and ‘his’ Taghoot

For the last couple of weeks, Sahil Adeem has been the topic of discussion on the internet. A video went viral where Sahil Adeem in a TV show pointed out that 95% of the females were illiterate. Moreover, he emphasized the importance of knowledge of Islam and the terminology “Taghoot”. No, Sahil Adeem was not […]

NUST Karachi Student-Built First Urban Electric Car

NUST Karachi students developed a first-of-its-kind urban electric (UEV) car on Friday. The event was attended by Commodore Tauqeer Ahmed. Moreover, Commodore praised the effort by the youngster and hoped that this would benefit Pakistan. The team behind the project has participated in 17 international events and raised the Pakistani flag in 14. Also present […]

Single-Molecule Reverses Signs of Aging in Mice and Humans

Scientists have conducted new research in labs that promise anti-aging in humans and mice. Furthermore, it helps in reducing Alzheimer’s disease chances. Published in the journal Cell, conducted by Dr. Rober DePinho, professor at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Scientists have researched that telomerase reverse transcriptase (TRET) helps reduce inflammation in old mice, […]

Pakistani Sisters Beg for Gold Medals in Asia Pacific Africa Combined Powerlifting Championship 2024

Two Pakistani sisters Sybil Sohail and Verronica Sohail have received gold medals in the Powerlifting championship in South Africa, with third sister in line. The whole nation applauds the efforts of the sister. Moreover, the chairmen of the Prime Ministre’s Youth Program (PMYP) upheld the achievement. Held in Johannesburg, South Africa Sybil Sohail and Veronica […]

Jeffrey Monson, American-born Russian MMA Fighter, Converts to Islam

Jeffrey Monson, a Russian mixed martial artist, boxer, and submission grappler, has publicly revealed his conversion to Islam. In a video posted on June 20, the 53-year-old athlete, accompanied by a scholar, uttered the Shahadah, the Islamic statement of faith, in an Islamic centre in Moscow. Monson added, “I embraced Islam to be with my […]

Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA) to Place e-gates in Airports for Immigration

PCAA announced the installation of e-gates in airports to make immigration easier and more convenient. In a statement by a PCAA spokesperson, the purpose of e-gates will enable swift clearance, meeting international standards. Moreover, e-gates will be initially installed at Karachi International Airport, Allama Iqbal International Airport Lahore, and, Islamabad International Airport. Moreover, the PCAA […]