“Gaming Is Profession”-The Benefits Of Video Gaming You Need To Know

Living in the 21st century where everything has been digitalized, people are surrounded by tech gadgets which makes their life comfortable and accessible compared to the previous generation. There has been a lot of debate regarding tech and its benefits. But people should understand now tech has become an important part of our life and […]

Access Denied!-No More Netflix Password Sharing At All

Streaming platforms have created our life much easier in terms of entertainment, people are highly invested in such streaming apps and spend hours watching their favorite shows. With the countless streaming apps, providing different features along with the premium packages to grab the audience. But only one app stood apart among others in the manner […]

‘I Cannot Take Salary Without Job’ – A Suspended Teacher Accuses Punjab Official Of Humiliating Her

Government departments have had a tradition of mistreating women. Punjab Higher Education Department (HED) humiliated a teacher when she went to him with her case. The teacher traveled from Islamabad to Lahore to plead for justice. She claims she was suspended verbally without any notification. HED is a department of the Punjab government, and it […]