“A Tour To Remember”- Kohli & His Warriors Unstoppable Form

No doubt, there’s not a single team that would dare to beat India because the Bharati cricket team nailing in every format and there’s no shame in admitting that they must be the most favorite team in the world. Indian side gave no room to the English side to secure any position, even after the […]

A Chinese Company For The First Time Gets License To Produce Liquor In Pakistan

For the first time in Pakistan, a Chinese liquor company has got a license to manufacture liquor in the country. The Chinese company will reportedly be establishing a manufacturing plant in Pakistan. Hui Coastal Brewery and Distillery Limited got the license to manufacture liquor. A report by Geo New confirmed the news citing sources. The […]

Ronaldo’s Anger To Turkey’s History-FIFA World Cup 2022 & No VAR

One month away from the mega event in the sports entertainment, where countries compete with each other, where fans get together to support their favorite team and player. FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar, would be the most important event for most of the players in the football world. Teams started competing for the qualifying […]

“RTX Back In Stock”-GameStop New Chapter & New Hardware

In the aftermath of the pandemic hyped year, the business world’s scenario changed with some major profits and losses. No one expected such changes in the stock market, whether it’s Bitcoin’s price rise or computer hardware’s prices touching the skyline. Forget about the high pricing, the GPUs got out of stock in the market which […]

Villains Save The Day-Suicide Squad & James Gunn Get Together

What’s happening? This year new movies coming on and not stopping to surprise the viewers out there. Even the pandemic is still out there, but now the Hollywood industry decided to come out with the bang and fight against pandemic with only one dose, and that’s none other than the vaccine of Entertainment. In the […]

“It’s Hades Night”-Here’s The Complete List BAFTA Gaming Awards 2021

Video games have changed the whole perspective of viewing the gaming world differently. Gamers all over the world appreciate games with the remarks and the developers get satisfied with the success of it. But apart from that, as mentioned before gaming has become an industry just like any other entertainment ones out there. This year […]

Meet Wenny – The Swedish National Who Served Pakistan Slum Dwellers For Over 3 Decades

Many of you probably don’t know who Wenny Lekardal is? In this story, we will let her tremendous work and dedication for Pakistan’s slum dwellers speak for herself. Lekardal spent 37 years away from Sweden serving Pakistani slum dwellers, mostly Christian and Muslim communities. These people do odd jobs in Rawalpindi, Sahiwal, and Taxila, according […]