
“Time To Upgrade”-Microsoft Launches Windows 11 & Its Features

Finally, Windows 11 has officially launched, Yes the new windows have arrived with some of the most outstanding features, that none of the windows users expected at all. After months of teasers and major leaks created more hyped among the users. People were expecting something different this time from Microsoft. There were rumors that the […]

I’m Sorry! Billie Eilish Apologizes For Lip-Syncing In Her Old Videos

Musicians have always been in the world of controversy, where they do something unacceptable and then they apologize for the act they have done. There have been many celebrities who had performed such stuff, which fell into the court of controversy and this time ‘Billie Eilish’. Superstar singer-songwriter Billie Eilish came on board on Monday, […]

دیکھتے رہنے سے منظر عام سا ہو جائے گا

This is a guest post submitted by Danish Ijaz. All views expressed in this article are of the contributor. دیکھتے رہنے سے منظر عام سا ہو جائے گا اتنا مت نزدیک آؤ فاصلہ ہو جائے گا  حُسن سے نا آشنا کو باغ بھی بے فیض ہے آنکھ والے کے لیے صحرا ہرا ہو جائے گا  رو رہا […]

مگر مجھے پھر نیند نہیں آئی

This is a guest post submitted by Kamran Zubair. All views expressed in this article are of the contributor. ……پچھلی رات محلے کی پچھلی گلی سے گزرتے ہوئے دو کمزور جسامت کی لڑکیوں نے آ گھیرا مبارک ہو اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکستان …..وہ دونوں جسم فروش تھیں یہ کسی لاہور کی ہیرا منڈی نہیں !بلکہ اِک سفید پوش […]

How To Deal With The Sexual Abuse Of Children?

This is a guest post submitted by H.S. Awan. All views expressed in this article are of the contributor. It has been a while since news of religious clerics, raping minors in madaris, has started to surface. We read about such news at least once in a month. It is some qari teaching Quran to students […]