According To Faysal Quraishi Powerful Character Of Women Are Not Much Liked By The Audience

According To Faysal Quraishi Powerful Character Of Women Are Not Much Liked By The Audience

Faisal Quraishi is one of the most dedicated, noteworthy and stupendous Pakistani actors who is reigning on the television screens since 1985 when he was a little child. The performances he has given one after another in these years can never be unappreciated or disregarded. Faysal Quraishi was recently spotted in drama serial “Muqaddar”.

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Faysal Qureshi in his recent interview revealed that powerful characters of women are not much liked by the audience in our society.

Faysal Quraishi mentioned that they have many times tried to build strong and powerful character of a women in dramas, they have shown that how a girl can fight and stand up for her rights and strongly face the society. “But to be honest, we don’t get ratings for these kinds of dramas”, added Faysal.

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“There are many drama serials in which we tried to give strong messages to the society, but unfortunately the audience didn’t liked to watch those dramas”, said Faysal.

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Furthermore, Faysal said that “Mostly our audience likes to watch dramas which consist of the women who gives up and does not fight for her rights, these kind of stories get more ratings as compared to the ones consisting of strong characters”.